Watch the Creation of a Hero in New The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes Gameplay Trailer

Every great adventure needs great heroes, and today, publisher Wild River Games is giving you a first-hand look at the creation of an adventurer in a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming action-RPG, The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes. Based on The Dark Eye tabletop pen and paper role-playing system, character creation in Book of Heroes follows a narrative process where a character’s design is more than just a batch of numbers, it’s also built around their backstory, wants and needs, and goals.
Today’s video features the creation mechanics, with viewers being walked through the same process a player sees in-game. Watch as a mysterious fortune teller deals fate cards while asking questions of the would-be adventurer, determining their stats, skills, and story, based on these elements.
Book of Heroes is based on the massively popular tabletop RPG The Dark Eye, which is one of the most beloved pen-and-paper RPGs in Germany — right up there with Dungeons and Dragons! The game has you rolling up a character, creating their backstory, and heading off in search of action and adventure in the mystical lands of Aventuria — alone or with up to four online friends. Will you find fame and fortune, or foolhardy folly? The choice is yours!
The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes will be available on Steam on June 9, 2020, for $29.99 USD.