Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Boss Fight Gameplay Leaks

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has suffered yet another leak ahead of the Ubisoft Forward conference this weekend, this time in the form of a lengthy boss fight.
The new footage now circulating follows Eivor as they encounter and defeat Cordelia, one of the daughters of King Lerion. If that sounds familiar, you probably know these characters from Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear, which is based on the legend of Leir of Britain, who had three daughters named Gonorill, Ragan and Cordelia.
The fight appears to be far more on the mystical side of the Assassin’s Creed realism spectrum, and may well be activated similarly to AC: Odyssey’s fights against Cyclops world bosses. Cordelia is specifically referred to by Eivor as a “demon goddess”, wears a skull headdress and is peppered with arrows. In terms of abilities, she can teleport across the fighting arena in flashes of lightning, call in lightning bolts, and fire glowing copies of herself as attacks.
The footage has a “work in progress” tag emblazoned on the screen, but here are some of the other details we spotted:
- Valhalla includes a side quest system called ‘Mysteries’ for each section of the map. Aside from mysteries, there will also be ‘Wealth’ and ‘Secrets’ to find in each section of the map.
- Boss battles appear to have phases, with mini combat cutscenes to complement the flow of battle.
- Eivor has three bars in the bottom left corner of the screen which pertain to their adrenaline, health and stamina, adrenaline is the resource burned to use abilities in battle.
- Eivor can eat mushrooms mid-battle to increase the ability gauge.
- The inventory screen in Valhalla looks almost identical to that of Odyssey, and Eivor will carry around a rations bag, presumably to refill health on the go.
- The skills screen shows how you will increase Eivor’s stats and unlock new abilities, with three styles, Raven, Bear and Wolf on offer – similar to Odyssey’s Hunter, Warrior and Assassin build system.
- There’s also a separate ‘abilities’ screen, where it’s revealed that Eivor will unlock new skills using Books of Knowledge found in play at heavily guarded monasteries and military camps while searching for territorial wealth.
- Up to 8 abilities can be assigned at once.
The footage clearly isn’t what Ubisoft would have hoped to be the first true gameplay shown to fans, particularly as it contains bugs that seem to affect cuts into and between cutscenes, as well as general visual issues throughout.
Multiple versions of the footage have been uploaded and subsequently removed by Ubisoft since it first leaked.