Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone Season 02 Reloaded is Live

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone Season 02


MARVEL vs. CAPCOM® Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics Takes You for a Ride with Physical Release Launching Today!

MARVEL vs. CAPCOM® Fighting Collection: Launches Today!


World War Z: Aftermath’s “Sin City Apocalypse” Episode & Update Arrives Dec. 5

World War Z: Aftermath's "Sin City Apocalypse" Arrives Dec. 5



Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection Announcement & Screens

We’re excited to announce Rezurrection, the all-Zombies content pack for Call of Duty®: Black Ops, set to launch first on the Xbox LIVE® online entertainment network on August 23rd.  Rezurrection hurls players into orbit with Moon, the climax of the Call of Duty Zombies saga and the first in the series to drop zombie-slaying into low-G lunar battlegrounds.  With new outrageous weapons, high-tech gear, and a bloodthirsty undead menace, Moon is the most challenging and thrilling Zombies adventure yet.

The Rezurrection content pack includes:

  • The all new Moon level
  • Four re-mastered levels of Zombie lore: Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa and Der Riese, the Zombie factory that started it all
  • An enhanced Zombies Soundtrack including three tracks never before available for purchase
  • A new Zombies Moon theme


For our fans who purchased the Black Ops Hardened or Prestige Editions and already own the four re-mastered maps, the other contents in the Rezurrection pack will be included at no cost, including Moon, the soundtrack and the theme.


For players that have not purchased the Black Ops Hardened or Prestige Editions, Rezurrection will be available for 1200 Microsoft Points.


To commemorate the upcoming release of Rezurrection and Call of Duty XP, the team will host Double XP over the Labor Day holiday weekend.


Developed by Treyarch and published by Activision Publishing, Inc., Call of Duty: Black Ops is rated “M” (Mature) by the ESRB for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence and Strong Language.  For additional Call of Duty updates, visit and also via Twitter @Treyarch.


Last 5 to cod classic



  1. sfrsebastian says:

    cant wait for this map…zombies are the best!
    sadly im a ps3 user 🙁 ill have to wait a month
    itll be worth though

  2. Jason says:

    Looks awesome. I absolutely love zombies. Although, I dunno about you guys but I find it really hard to ever get a good game of zombies going online on PS3.

  3. Jokerzwild says:

    Good new to all the folks coveting the classic maps, not so good to those hording to sell. I would have figured it would be later in the fall though.

  4. Kevin says:

    This is amazing!