Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Review

Game Name: | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare |
Platforms: | Xbox One, PC, Playstation 4 |
Publisher(s): | Activision |
Developer(s): | Infinity Ward, Raven Software, Beenox Studios, Sledgehammer Games, High Moon Studios, Inc. |
Genre(s): | Shooter, Action |
Release Date: | October 25th, 2019 |
ESRB Rating: | M |

CoD is back with more action packed inside one game then you could think of! Oh, and by the way, campaign single player is back! So thank you Activision for listening to the fans and learning from mistakes of past games! The Modern Warfare series is back and picks up with an action packed story. So let’s dive in and get this party started!
As past Call Of Duty games you follow through the eyes of different characters and get the full emotions of a war and what it’s like from the inside and how it destroys families, people, and countries. You get to experience firsthand what orphans of war go through. In all of the Call Of Duty franchise this one feels the most heartfelt with tons of emotional storylines. This is the most captivating campaign Activision has done so far and redeemed itself for the last release with no campaign.

Cross platform is here, as well as insane graphics that are not lost with cross play and on point kill time, (meaning no lag between cross platforms). For the first time ever you can play with all your friends from different consoles and PC, this makes the experience (and the long wait) worth it. Multiplayer is better than ever with once again Activision has out done itself. The one negative throughout the multiplayer is: camping!! It is crazy the amount of campers there are. There seems to be some sort of glitch where players can literally stand at common respawn points kill players as they respawn. This seems to be a big problem and creates a lot of frustration, but here’s hoping it will be addressed. It also seems that all ammo is the same in the sense of damage. Kills seem to happen rather easily and frequently whether you’re using a pistol or a LMG.

There are many of styles of Multiplayer game types, Ground War (the is a large type of war with the use of vehicles and the way to win is to hold objectives to win), Gunfight: you and a team against another in multi-rounds. Shoot House 24/7 : very fast paced and intense action! One of the best! Hardpoint, this is basically a capture the flag, you hold locations to earn points. First to the point limit wins.Free-For-All: exactly how it sounds, kill everyone!
Killstreaks are a staple in Call Of Duty, getting these are a definite bonus and keeps your enemies busy while you expand your lead or catch up! And of course the Juggernaut killstreak at 15 kills is the most fun! A Juggernaut suit with mini gun! And yes, the mini gun does drop when the Juggernaut is killed! Be sure to grab it. And of course you can customize your operator, each with its own personality and look. If you are trying to level up faster you can do the Missions and challenges updated daily, earning these give you XP and more.
Pros include out of this world graphics and seems to go from an arcade type shooter game to a realistic military simulation type game with stunning CGI cut scenes. And of course again cross platform for the win, now you can settle all those arguments of being at disadvantage of playing on a console you’re not familiar with or missing out playing with friends do to platform conflicts.
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 is definitely the new standard in first person shooters and is here to stay. Just when we think COD can’t get any better, it sure does! This is the game of the year to get and pass up every other game. It has something for everyone and every type of game play. The series reinvented itself. This is one game you can’t pass up! Oh and did we mention all the future content is free??? No? Well, It is! Activision is giving all players future content free!
Game 2 Gamer’s Final Score : 5/5
Replay Value : Very High