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Massive Gaming Console Giveaway!

Want to win a MASSIVE console gaming set up? Want to own a Nintendo Switch, Xbox One S (With Playerunkown Battlegrounds) and a Playstation 4 PRO??

Well, lucky for you 1 winner will walk away with ALL 3 systems! Yup, 1 winner, 3 consoles. MASSIVE. There are multiple ways to enter this amazing contest!

The first way to enter is to follow @Game_2_Gamer on twitter and retweet (Click Here) and leave a comment (below) Stating you have entered!

The 2nd way to enter the MASSIVE Console giveaway is to retweet (as above) on Twitter and to like and comment the post on Facebook (Click here) and comment below stating you entered.

There can be only one! (Highlander pun) this does end on 5-18-18 and the entries will be complied and a winner announced shortly after! We at Game 2 Gamer wish you all luck! Happy Gaming.


  1. Luke Thompson says:

    I have entered!

  2. Ronald Atkinson says:

    Thanks for these contests! Just entered using Twitter.

  3. Michelle little says:

    I entered

  4. Andrew Ramirez says:

    Entered the contest, best one yet.

  5. Christopher Lilyblade says:

    Entered on Twitter.

  6. Valeriano says:

    I have entered.

  7. Sheehan Colaco says:

    I have entered the contest

  8. Quincy Jones says:

    Entered in Twitter @dreadnokv1

  9. Tiffanie Enos says:

    Thank u for I entered.

  10. Ann says:

    I entered!!! Thank you for these giveaways!

  11. Fineias says:

    I entered, twitter handle is @fineiasb

  12. Vikrant Chadha says:

    I have entered

  13. Connor Greeley says:

    I entered. Crossing my fingers.

  14. Sarah Lynch says:

    I entered. Thanks for the great contest!

  15. Jordan Albano says:


  16. Lee Henstridge says:

    I’ve entered.

  17. Patty Perry says:

    Entered! This is so AWESOME!!! @pattykat515

  18. Steven Mathews says:

    Entered. @420johndoe

  19. amy stonger says:

    I entered!!! Now comes hoping and wishing that I win!! ??

  20. Sonja says:

    Following and retweeted

  21. Sonja says:

    Entered via Facebook as well 🙂

  22. Dan says:

    I’ve entered!

  23. warren mitchell says:

    ive entered

  24. KevinP says:

    Done, thank you for the opportunity!

  25. Laci says:

    🙂 done! 🙂

  26. Leigh says:

    I’ve entered.

  27. Quin Vandy says:

    Entered on FB and Twitter. Thanks for the opportunity!

  28. Kevin says:

    I entered on Twitter. Thanks for the alternative option for those of us that don’t use Facebook.

  29. Nick Howard says:

    I have entered. Thanks for the chance!

  30. Charles says:

    I have entered!

  31. Charles Collins says:

    I have entered! @Thamonsta1980

  32. michael girou says:

    you guys ROCK I am entered and ready to get my game on!!!

  33. David says:

    I entered.

  34. Tim Milner says:

    Definitely entered! Awesome prize up for grabs!

  35. Dave Frase says:

    I have entered

  36. Michael Smart says:

    Entered on Twitter and Facebook

  37. Kevin Rafalko says:

    I entered.

  38. Ilham Mu says:

    I’ve entered. Hope can still win while being kinda late. Greetings from Germany!

  39. Logan Cantrell says:

    I entered

  40. Brian Evans says:

    I have entered

  41. Zsanett/Jeanette says:

    All done xx good luck everyone ?

  42. Excalibur says:


  43. NarcoSleepy says:

    I have entered

  44. Janene Gutierrez says:

    Entered!! Thank you so much for the chance.

  45. Eileen says:

    Retweeted @eleenie

  46. Eileen says:

    Liked & commented on FB

  47. Monica Lueddeke says:

    BA8YDOLLROCKS twitter all done the steps

  48. Dario Gonzalez says:


  49. Mandy B says:

    Done. Great giveaway best of luck?

  50. Mike Glamm says:

    I have entered!

  51. Mark says:

    I entered! Twitter handle is iMuthaTuckeri Thanks for the opportunity!!

  52. Timothy Beaty says:

    I entered! Twitter ID is @beatytc

  53. Nancy Montgomery says:

    Follow and retweeted. @TheNancy2880

  54. Nancy Montgomery says:

    Liked and commented on Facebook. Shared as well.

  55. Tisha t says:


  56. Erik Findlater says:

    Entered via Twitter. Great comp, many thanks.

  57. pamela hamby says:

    I have two teenage boys and a hubby who are all massive gaming fans, this would be perfect for all three of them 🙂
    entered as @dancer2712

  58. Russell Porter says:

    Twitter: @Kipperkahn

  59. Kimberley Ryan says:

    twitter handle @libradragon2

  60. tiffany says:

    twitter lindapink707

  61. Kim Jones says:

    I entered,

    Twitter handle: @k1mmy90

  62. Trey says:

    Entered @Tea3321

  63. Jonnie says:

    Entered as @edmontonjb on twitter

  64. Dadrum says:

    Entered via Twitter @dadrum

  65. Jeffrey Legg says:

    Retweeted and follow as @graywolfpack5

  66. Stephanie Mendonca says:

    Entered on Twitter!

  67. Jeffrey Legg says:

    Also liked and commented on Facebook as Jeff-Sue Legg. Twitter like and retweet as @graywolfpack5.

  68. Bert says:


  69. Bert says:

    Twitter @bertm1975

  70. Marg says:


  71. Lance Bechtel says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! I entered

  72. Lorraine Rivers says:

    wow entered

  73. Shane Granger says:

    I have entered! @ShaneTGranger

  74. Tay says:

    Thank you for the opportunity. @tfrog23 has entered.

  75. Jessica says:

    I’ve entered!

  76. Chris Boyd says:

    @BoydNanookm Thanks for the contest!

  77. Alicia Hewitt says:

    I entered!

  78. Rob says:


  79. Noelle Carroll says:

    Thank you for your generosity! Good luck everyone, the winner is very lucky indeed! @noe1111

  80. Noelle Carroll says:

    entered on facebook too as Noelle Carroll 😀

  81. John says:

    Entered on Twitter and Facebook! Twitter handle: @The_Johnny_Pop

  82. Shawn Stover says:

    Entered, sastover1717 on TW

  83. Wendy R says:

    Twitter @wendykrafferty FB Wendy Kraff Sweet Contest. Thank you!

  84. Brett Hrin says:

    I have also entered. Thanks for the shot

  85. Rajee Pandi says:

    I have entered thank you so much

  86. Lanie says:

    I have entered @lanieluck78

  87. Annaloa Hilmarsdottir says:


  88. Juan Carlos Moy says:

    @juankuss, ready! I have entered the contest…

  89. Nigel Hill says:

    I have entered

  90. Lloyd c richey says:

    I have entered!!!! @astang99

  91. Mary Wilson says:

    Fun, Fun, Fun for all the family x Entered x

  92. Joe says:

    Entered. @xFACADEx

  93. Renee Martinez says:

    Entered on twitter. Thank you so much for the chance to win. Twitter handle – @_martinezjr

  94. Danny Evans says:

    Entered. Good luck everyone

  95. Anthony Bond says:

    Entered @abomb1987

  96. Rachael Lines says:

    Entered as @tinypopple on twitter & Rachael Lines on facebook!
    Good luck everyone

  97. Laura Mellon says:

    I have entered! @lalmel, thanks!

  98. Katherine Lucas says:

    I have entered

  99. guy says:

    i have entered

  100. Kimberly Woodall says:

    I just entered on twittter!

  101. Jiselle Lotz says:

    Entered twitter @ShrunkenPunken

  102. MTDEW says:


  103. LaKisha Riddick says:

    I entered the contest. @LaKishaRiddick

  104. Rachel says:

    I just entered!

  105. Rachel says:

    Entered on Facebook too. Thanks!

  106. Kat says:

    Entered on Twitter @KouponKat –Thanks!

  107. Jae Park says:

    I entered, tyvm for a great chance

  108. Kat says:


  109. Kimberly M. says:

    Entered thank you @aqualina56 on twitter and entered thru FB

  110. Amber Mangrum says:

    Entered all! ?

  111. Matthew Blackwell says:

    I have entered @tosicamir

  112. Alice Dixon says:

    Entered on Twitter @alicedixon1993

  113. Perlita Mata says:

    i have RT on twitter @perlaxx80 and commented on FB

  114. James says:

    RT @Sol_Bomb

  115. Angie says:

    twitter handle @uxsxck i have entered!

  116. Pierre says:


  117. Denise H. says:

    Thank you for the opportunity!
    Facebook Denise Nichole

  118. Robb Bird says:

    entered and thank you @mantagtj GL

  119. RK says:

    Entered on twitter.

  120. Justinwing says:

    I have entered!

  121. Mike Wagner says:


  122. Robert Green says:

    did both! rgreenparadox on twitter.

  123. Aubrey Daniels says:

    Following on Facebook and Twitter. @aubreydaniels12 Awesome giveaway! Thank you for hosting!

  124. Maya says:


    I have followed you on Twitter and Facebook and retweeted/commented/liked the post. This is such an amazing giveaway

  125. Caroline says:


  126. Leslie says:

    ENTERED!!! Twitter: @xxlesliexx_

  127. kirsty umney says:

    Done on FB and TW @kirstyumney

  128. Maria Ramos says:


  129. Maria Ramos says:

    Entered on Twitter and Facebook

  130. Jaime says:

    Entered. Thanks for the opportunity!!!

  131. Valerie L says:

    I entered. @chanceuse19

  132. Brett Hrin says:

    Entered. Forgot my Twitter handle @BrettHrin

  133. Mark Dwyer says:

    Entered. @MarkWmDwyer

  134. Entered. ? on here and on Twitter.

  135. Tara Kraemer says:

    Entered.. Liked / commented / RT!

  136. Harriet Hathaway says:

    @harri_thesakura done!

  137. Jill Jackson says:

    Rt @jilliann68

  138. Marsha webb says:


  139. Simon Yeoman says:

    I have entered! Hopefully only once? Lol =S

  140. Bouncybob54 says:

    Entered on twitter. Tag is @Bouncybob054

  141. Marilyn Legault says:

    entered under @larlyn09

  142. Vicki Demunck says:

    I have entered. @puzzled101

  143. Amanda Gill says:

    Entered in Facebook (Amanda Harris Gill) and twitter (@axmh1985)

  144. @GoonKnuckles says:


  145. mm says:

    I entered. thank you twitter @hunterXMM

  146. JOHN MILLS says:


  147. Joshua Paas says:

    Entered @xDarkSlasherZx

  148. Sherry moffitt says:

    Entered . Fabulous giveaway, thank you for the chance.

  149. Leigh Greenhalgh says:

    entered @HippieBluedeadG good luck everyone

  150. Karine says:

    I have retweeted, @mightykarine

  151. Patricio Torres says:

    I have entered

  152. dune_lark says:

    Massive Gaming Console Giveaway! I have entered on fb and twitter / great giveaway x


    Entered: @hmrcarlson; Heidi Carlson-Reid

  154. stacy reff says:


  155. julie trani says:

    entered @jtcatt

  156. Amber Y says:

    I follow you on twitter and have retweeted as @aly3360.

  157. fortuna730 says:

    I have entered.

  158. Tina F says:

    Entered on twitter @Tina1wthautism

  159. Tina F says:

    Entered on FB as well

  160. Kevin says:

    @BrewDude19 retweeted. Thanks for the alternative option to Facebook.

  161. barky says:

    Great giveaway, I’ve entered! @barkticon

  162. Darren Freeman says:

    @dazred ….cheers!

  163. Robin Schulz says:

    I have entered.

  164. Matt Pfaff says:

    Entered on twitter, @mattmanp

  165. Laura B says:

    Entered on both Twitter (@amethystangel80) and on Facebook, TY for the chance!

  166. Stacey says:

    This is amazing. Xx @Stacem192229

  167. Randy Salinas says:

    @HardAvocado Good Luck Everyone

  168. Randy Salinas says:

    @HardAvocado Good Luck

  169. mm says:

    entered !!! @hunterXMM

  170. Jojoboy Dodens says:

    I have entered the giveaway!

  171. Nirmit saxena says:


  172. Mikaeel says:

    Entered @Migza7!!!!!?

  173. Tamara Payne says:

    entered @TamaraPayne2

  174. Vennesa K says:

    I entered!! @ves911

  175. crowley says:

    entered via twitter!

  176. Juan Carlos Moy says:

    Ready! Good luck everyone

  177. JEFF says:

    I’ve entered. Big money, no wammies!

  178. Marilyn Legault says:

    retweeted today @larlyn09

  179. Teresa Harvey says:

    Done and entered

  180. Sandra Davis says:


  181. pianotm says:

    I have entered on Twitter and Facebook!

  182. Melissa Black says:

    retweeted & liked – @vanislebabe

  183. Melissa Black says:

    Liked on facebook and left my twitter handle @vanislebabe

  184. Kevin Gomez says:

    I have entered @ShadowTVLive is my Twitter bro 🙂

  185. sandy ralph says:

    wow entered as sandy ralph @moonlightlady2

  186. Tim says:

    Entered via twitter. No Facebook tho. @wolfdragon78

  187. Shaun Heathcote says:

    Retweeted @shauntheshunter

  188. Vlad says:

    Entered, too.


  189. harddisksson says:

    I have entered as @ethanwitte on Twitter! Fingers crossed! 🙂

  190. Jo Haigh says:

    I’m in! @fripfoll X

  191. Alice Dixon says:

    Entered @alicedixon1993

  192. Fraser says:

    I’ve enetered as @frasernnnnn on twitter

  193. Rachel says:

    Entered! @75boler

  194. Deborah C says:


  195. Annaloa Hilmarsdottir says:

    Entered @Cosmonauty

  196. brian says:

    entered @bnielz1

  197. Seyma Shabbir says:

    Entered! @SeymaShabbir on Twitter and Seyma D.B. Shabbir on FB!

  198. Shoshi Vaxman says:


  199. Jeffrey Legg says:

    Entered as @graywolfpack5. How awesome!

  200. mm says:

    @hunterXMM my twitter

  201. Adam Miller says:


  202. Fenrirs Lair Painting says:

    Entered under @fenrirslairpainting on twitter.

  203. Vicki Wharton says:

    I enter fb and twitter guys ? good luck all

  204. Traveldog says:

    Thank You for the Giveaway! entered!

  205. Misty Rummell says:



    I entered this awesome giveaway! My Son will freak out if I win 😉

  207. ilRadd says:


    Twitter: @ilRadd


    Liked and commented on the Facebook post.

  209. Naomi says:

    @superdumb tweeted!

  210. Hannah Mary says:

    Retweeted @MissyMaryMooToo – great giveaway!

  211. Sarah says:

    I have entered

  212. sukritkarki says:

    I have entered

  213. dancer2712 says:

    sharing all platforms, would love to win this for my two teenage boys they love gaming 🙂

  214. Dinah says:

    Entered on twitter! @dededinahlove

  215. jogendragrg says:

    I have entered. In twitter @jogendragrg

  216. Mohhaimenul Peyal says:

    I enter

  217. klito2 says:

    Done in both, facebook and twitter

  218. Jodie A Green says:

    entered on twitter!! (jodieh1131)

  219. WESTSONICS says:

    registrado saludos gracias. por este concurso. saludos.