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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone Season 02


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Browsing all articles tagged with guide.

Announcing The Red Dead Redemption 2: Complete Official Guide

Announcing The Red Dead Redemption 2: Complete Official Guide 

The essential companion to the furthest corners of the deepest and most detailed Rockstar world yet, the Red Dead Redemption 2 Complete Official Guide is packed with information about every aspect of Rockstar Games’ epic tale of outlaw life in America’s unforgiving heartland. Published by Piggyback and available for pre-order now via the Rockstar Warehouse […]

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Titanfall 2 Prima Guide

Titanfall 2 Prima Guide 

When Prima does a strategy guide, they do a GUIDE. And they go all out. And that is an understatement for the guide to Titanfall 2. Getting the most out of the game is important, especially when we spend are hard earned money on games that just seem to be going up in price, so […]

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Prima World of Finaly Fantasy Guide

Prima World of Finaly Fantasy Guide 

Okay, so who says you don’t need a strategy guide while playing World of Final Fantasy? Well, whoever said that obviously didn’t get the mist out of their game because there is so much more that you can do and bring your gaming to a whole new level. So let’s get into it eh? Prima […]

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Mafia III Prima Strategy Guide

Mafia III Prima Strategy Guide 

If you are a gamer like us in anyway and once you start an open-world game you end up getting side tracked with everything you can do and end up never finishing the story because you forget what you were doing or working on? Haha well, there’s a guide for that! So jump into your […]

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Prima Gears Of Wars Guide Review

Prima Gears Of Wars Guide Review 

Have you ever been wondering through a game, and you maybe get half way through and think to yourself, “there must be an easier way to find these collectibles other than me wondering around in circles wasting time when I can be playing”? Well instead of using the time you have before you have to […]

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Dragon’s Lair Review

Dragon’s Lair Review

Dragon’s Lair, one of the most beloved arcade games of all time can now be enjoyed from the comfort of your couch. This fully arcade authentic version is fully playable with Kinect or the Xbox 360 controller so you can really show how well you wield Dirk’s sword. Included with this ultimate edition are bonus […]

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