Browsing all articles tagged with id.
DOOM Eternal Review
Monday, March 30, 2020

One word… DOOM. This series needs no further introduction and honestly, Bethesda have earned it. In modern Doom fashion, let’s jump right in. Doom is for any gamer, so long as you are ok with mindlessly killing aliens and upgrading your weaponry to simplify your means of hacking, slashing, and simply obliterating those standing in […]
RAGE 2 | id Software, Avalanche Studios Unleash Open World FPS Chaos with GAMEPLAY TRAILER REVEAL
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Born from a collaboration of the Gods of Shooters, id Software, and the Masters of Open World Mayhem, Avalanche Studios, RAGE 2 packs a carnival of carnage so intense it can only come from two legendary AAA studios. That’s right, this is a f****ing AAAAAA game. Head to the wasteland for pure pandemonium in Spring […]