Browsing all articles tagged with map pack.
Call of Duty Zombie Labs’ Rezurrection Trailer
The Call of Duty Zombie Labs has identified you as a genuine authority on the art and science of killing zombies, and we feel our recent research will prove invaluable to you and your audience. We have recently identified a rogue zombie population on the Moon – a horrific population of the angriest undead we’ve […]
Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection Trailer
Rezurrection, the all-Zombies content pack for Call of Duty®: Black Ops, isset to launch first on the Xbox LIVE® online entertainment network on August 23rd. Rezurrection hurls players into orbit with Moon, the climax of the Call of Duty Zombies saga and the first in the series to drop zombie-slaying into low-G lunar battlegrounds. With […]
Call of Duty Black Ops Annihilation Review

Annihilation was recently released as a DLC for COD:BO on the 28th of June for the Xbox 360 for 1200MS points and will be released a month later for the PS3 and PC. Annihilation is the 3rd DLC offering 4 new multiplayer maps and a new zombie mode map. Firstly the new multiplayer maps […]
Call of Duty Black Ops – Annihilation Multiplayer Trailer
Here is the new trailer for the Annihilation Map Pack for Black Ops! The new maps will hit XBL on June 28th!
Call of Duty: Black Ops Annihilation Behind-the-Scenes Trailer & Screens
The team at Treyarch is ready to talk about the third Call of Duty: Black Ops map pack, and in a lengthy developer’s diary, they break down the four new battlegrounds and zombie level that will hit Xbox Live on June 28. Travel to Area 51 in Hanger 18, check out one of the biggest […]
COD: Black Ops Escalation Map Pack Contest
What would you do for a Klondike Bar? No? Then enter Game 2 Gamer’s Call Of Duty: Black Ops Escalation Map Pack Contest! We are giving away the Escalation Map pack on Playstation 3. How do you enter to win you ask? To be entered to win the Map Pack you have […]