Browsing all articles tagged with Operation.
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout Launches Today on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 & Xbox One
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout, the new team-based third-person shooter inspired by Hasbro’s hit franchise, launches today on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One. Play as both Team Joe and Team Cobra in this action-packed adventure featuring a co-op story campaign and PvP multiplayer. Experience an original story inspired by classic ’80s-style comics, over 17 campaign missions […]
Operation Flashpoint Red River Review

Codemasters newest release has hit shelves and hard! Operation Flashpoint Red River puts you into a Squad that you have full control over. You choose the tactics, flank left, flank right or suppress, anything to get the job done. Between Afghanistan and China, the world’s next flashpoint is about to erupt. The […]