Browsing all articles tagged with upgrade.
Biomutant Review

I want to welcome you to the world of Biomutant, a game that has spent four years in development, with teasers popping up every so often to whet our whistles while we waited in anticipation. Published by THQ Nordic, and developed by Experiment 101, Biomutant takes you into a post-apocalyptic world ravished by the inhabitants […]
Backward Compatible Titles Get FPS Boost on Xbox Series X|S
Today, on Xbox Wire, Microsoft unveiled the first group of FPS Boost backwards compatible titles on Xbox Series X|S – games that will experience increased frame rates with no additional work from the developer. The Xbox backwards compatibility team developed this function to employ a variety of techniques for nearly doubling frame rates on games, many of which will be available on Xbox Game Pass. The first wave of FPS boosted titles include: · Far Cry […]