Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone Season 02 Reloaded is Live

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone Season 02


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MARVEL vs. CAPCOM® Fighting Collection: Launches Today!


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World War Z: Aftermath's "Sin City Apocalypse" Arrives Dec. 5



Weekend Giveaway

Here is another giveaway for our readers!


As always please leave / post a comment saying you are claiming a code so we may say congratulations to you!

Please be respectful and don’t whine if you don’t get a code because you all know we give tons and tons of stuff away!


So lets have some fun and give out a few things!


  1. montow says:

    i got the code thanks! =P

  2. _Smurff_ says:

    Thanks for having all these cool giveaways.

  3. Doug says:

    whats the giveaway?

  4. CherryRasulka says:

    What code?

  5. zimpirate says:

    A code from where?

  6. liljrSanchez says:

    Hmm… Could this WEEKEND get any better? 😀

  7. Jack Bromley says:

    Let’s do this!

  8. Game 2 Gamer says:

    L.A. Noire “The Naked City”

  9. Wuvein says:

    Have to run out but just wanted to pop in and say good luck to everyone

  10. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Dungeon Siege 3 Item Bundle

  11. CherryRasulka says:

    awww, Me wants a full game… *sobs*

  12. montow says:

    see my first post was already validated x.x

  13. Pushaman55 says:

    Oh man.

  14. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Uncharted 3 Beta

  15. CherryRasulka says:

    I am luvered….& A ROCK STAR!!!! had to say it…no offense to anyone

  16. Briinkx says:

    Thanks for the contest bro(s)! 😀

  17. Pushaman55 says:

    thanks for the contest! and giveaways!

  18. CherryRasulka says:

    Oh yea G2G Is a ROCK STAR too. Come on….he does all of this for us…we are all awesome

  19. Doug says:

    are you ever going to have a Gaming PC giveaway because I need a PC really bad!! 🙁

  20. Game 2 Gamer says:

    F.E.A.R. 3 .50cal Hammer

  21. Pushaman55 says:


  22. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Halo Reach Recon Armor

  23. CherryRasulka says:

    Congrats Montow! KUDOS!!!!

  24. CherryRasulka says:

    What is up with the East coast? Bad storm? It’s sunny as shit here on the West

  25. Pushaman55 says:

    east coast been getting alot of rain lately. (from florida)

  26. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Dragon Age Origins Fury of Shale (redeem in game)

  27. liljrSanchez says:

    Game 2 Gamer, how many codes are you dropping this weekend? 😀

  28. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Rock Band Country Track Pack 2

  29. Briinkx says:

    So many codes! :’D

  30. CherryRasulka says:

    All DLC

    • Pushaman55 says:

      That’s cool with me. 15 bucks saving. I could buy a XBLA with that. Maybe 2 =]

  31. _Smurff_ says:

    And they go so quickly

  32. CherryRasulka says:

    I actually can’t believe it has been hot today with no wind….I’m happy 🙂

  33. CherryRasulka says:

    I wanted them to be in the forums, you have to be a member to get it and not be a lurker

  34. CherryRasulka says:

    I don’t mean to be rude but, we are actually members…That’s why I left a lot of sites

    • Pushaman55 says:

      I have never saw Game2Gamer before or heard of them. I am happy that I saw them on twitter.

  35. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Alice Soundtrack (

  36. _Smurff_ says:

    There’s not much activity in the forums though, plus u can still view threads w/o

  37. liljrSanchez says:

    Umm… Anybody claiming these? At least show courtesy by thanking G2G for these codes! -_-

  38. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Dukes Big Package

  39. Briinkx says:

    Because I copy and pasted and it said “..used..”. 😛

  40. Briinkx says:

    How do I assign an avatar btw? Many people online atm to answer. 😛

    • Doug says:

      what do you mean?

    • Jack Bromley says:

      You need to link your email with a site called ‘Gravatar’. It sets you an avatar for all sites that use WordPress, like this one 🙂

  41. Doug says:

    I think someone is using a bot!

  42. Briinkx says:

    ^— This blank picture.

  43. Game 2 Gamer says:

    FEAR 3 50 cal Hammer

    (both ? are the same)

  44. Doug says:

    what do you mean???

  45. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Ok, claim the codes before i post anymore.

  46. liljrSanchez says:

    Fine, fine… I claim all the codes that haven’t been claimed 😛 JK

  47. Doug says:

    G2G, if you want to trade codes DM me on Twitter! my username is @readypembroke

  48. Briinkx says:

    Game2Gamer, thanks for the contest so far. Even though there’s a lurker here stealing the codes without claiming them, it’s still keeps me on edge and filled with cheers and laughter. 🙂

  49. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Alright, i am going to take a small break and tinker around to make the comments set to private and lurkers cant see them and we will resume…


  50. montow says:

    make everyone sign up. its always only 3 or 4 of us that talked in there

  51. Pushaman55 says:

    I am a member now. Great website and great community =]

  52. Briinkx says:

    So, while everyone is here waiting for Game2Gamer to come back…

    What’s up? Let’s talk! ;D

  53. Briinkx says:

    What type of show/movie is that?

    • Jokerzwild says:

      will be 3rd episode tonite stars Noah Willey from ER

      • Pushaman55 says:

        That show is really weird. Taking control of children. That’s wrong…lol

        • Briinkx says:

          I wish I had an army of children. 😛

          • Jokerzwild says:

            pretty sure they will turn out to be the mechs

          • Pushaman55 says:

            an army of children!? They cute but…I will shoot if shot at lmao

          • Briinkx says:

            Yes, but with all the little kids that play CoD and Halo, it certainly will be entertaining to see how the fair in real life. 😉

          • Pushaman55 says:


          • Briinkx says:

            Nice to see you found out how to use Gravatar Pushaman55. 🙂

          • Jokerzwild says:

            would fair pretty good my guess, much better reflexes and trained right a child can be a very efficient killer. I get pawned by 7 year olds all the time in multiplayer and i’m a former infantrymen

          • Briinkx says:

            Well, games are far different than real combat. The only thing that’s the same is the concept. They don’t even experience real recoil. x’D

          • Jokerzwild says:

            they are used very efficiently in alot of countries using ak’s and they have a solid recoil

          • Briinkx says:

            I know, recoil is being reduced more and more every day. Just look at some of FPSRussia’s videos on youtube and some of the latest weapons are amazing at maintaining accuracy with no recoil.

          • Jokerzwild says:

            ya its funny that most major countries still used primary weapons developed over 60 years ago

          • Briinkx says:

            Classic is everything! 😆

  54. CherryRasulka says:


  55. Briinkx says:

    Game2Gamer, Game2Gamer, where art thou?

  56. Jokerzwild says:

    did u all know ms points expire? i had 100 expire on me the other day, sucked!

    • Briinkx says:

      They expire after 1 year of no use. Gamestop has a similar style when talking about their Power Up Rewards.

  57. I may be late to the party but I STILL WANT MY GOD DAMN TWINKIEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

  58. Briinkx says:

    Well, I may not have much money, but here’s I’ll post a code to keep people occupied.. 😉

    May be a big prize, may be a small prize, who knows?! But the 5 parts will be mixed up!

    Random Part #1: 7BY23

    Random Part #2: TYJXW

    • Briinkx says:

      Random Part #3: BKJ4B

      Random Part #4: FGMQD

    • Velikost says:

      Pretty tough. Any hints as to which is first or last?

      • Briinkx says:

        Well, here’s the first hint I’ve already given.

        “Hmm.. Here’s a hint, backtrack. 😉

        It’s more of a small consolation prize, so don’t be upset if you don’t get it. :P”

  59. _Smurff_ says:

    Hell, i’ll post one too
    It’s the DLC Homefront Shotgun (for use in game)

    __ = West Coast
    ++ = Hewlett Packard
    and the 2 has been changed to a common DLC code ender (looks similar)

    i know it ain’t much, but it’s something someone might want if they have homefront

    • Briinkx says:

      I’d claim it if I had the game, but it’s not next on my list of games to buy. Thanks for the code, and grats to whoever grabs it!

      #1: Brink
      #2: Homefront
      #3: Crysis 2


  60. _Smurff_ says:

    someone claimed the Homefront Shotgun thing, so that’s out of the running.

    I’m having no luck with the Scramble tho

    • Briinkx says:

      Hmm.. Here’s a hint, backtrack. 😉

      It’s more of a small consolation prize, so don’t be upset if you don’t get it. 😛

      • _Smurff_ says:

        gah i’ve given up on the scramble, i’ve tried so many combo’s i can’t think about it no more.

  61. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Hello again…

  62. montow says:

    welcome back =D

  63. Game 2 Gamer says:

    now who is here…

  64. _Smurff_ says:


  65. Talus says:


  66. Talus says:

    Looks like I missed some excitement earlier.,,

  67. volcombrandon says:

    im here 🙂

  68. _Smurff_ says:

    giveaway MAW! (stupid dashboard crap giveaway, never qualified cuz i use prepaid cards)

  69. montow says:

    see the benefits of joining of the forum

  70. Jokerzwild says:

    there we go

  71. Waddy101 says:

    Hello Active People XD

  72. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Red Fraction Armageddon Commando

  73. Jokerzwild says:

    no excuses now claim your wins!

  74. montow says:

    grats =]

  75. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Rock Band Metal Track Pack

  76. _Smurff_ says:

    dang, missed it by that much…

  77. _Smurff_ says:

    come one people, claiming the code takes about as much time as winning the code.

  78. montow says:

    sent another dm g2g

  79. liljrSanchez says:

    Their is a difference between USING a code and CLAIMING a code…

  80. Game 2 Gamer says:

    48 Hour code

  81. montow says:

    gears weekend doesnt end till the 5th!

  82. _Smurff_ says:

    Speaking of Weekend Over


  83. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Dragon Age II Sir Isaac Clarke Armor (redeem at

  84. liljrSanchez says:

    Speaking of Isaac Clark, any codes for Dead Space 2? I’m stuck on Chapter 9 (Hard Core)

  85. Pushaman55 says:

    finally I found it! OMG lol

  86. montow says:


  87. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Battlefield BC 2 Onslaught mode

  88. Nicolas C says:

    Hey! Thanks for another amazing giveaway! Btw do you have a first strike code for ps3? Just wondering

  89. Waddy101 says:

    Got any defiant codes? *bats eyelids*

  90. Briinkx says:

    Gotta pee! Betcha’ I’ll miss another code in the short time. x’D

  91. Jokerzwild says:

    no claim makes everyone a sad panda

  92. Pushaman55 says:

    so that means it’s someone here…

  93. Velikost says:

    Every time someone doesn’t claim a code, Jesus kills a kitten. THINK OF THE KITTENS

  94. montow says:

    it was colonel mustard in the library with the candlestick!

  95. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Mortal Kombat Online Pass

  96. _Smurff_ says:

    well atleast 1 of 81 people is being a little shit.

    since there’s 82 forum members, and 1 being Game2Gamer himself, so 81 people left to randomly pick from, and i’d base it on the logins/registrations in the past half hour

  97. montow says:

    been here since the start of the forum! i demand a cookie now =D

  98. Jokerzwild says:

    you do understand by not climing you are ruining your own chance at future giveaways right lurker?

  99. Game 2 Gamer says:

    some one log out and see if you can see these..

  100. _Smurff_ says:

    well it’d be one of 52 people since that’s how many viewed the password post 🙂

  101. Waddy101 says:

    As long as you’ve entered the password you can see the comments it doesn’t matter if you’re logged in or not.

  102. liljrSanchez says:

    Game 2 Gamer, you see my post? 😛

  103. liljrSanchez says:

    When it’s PROTECTED, the comment needs to be approved from the Mod (Game 2 Gamer) and everybody will be able to see it

  104. Waddy101 says:

    Hmm, kinda annoying. If you’ve got a spare Defiant Map Pack code for Halo PM it me 😛
    I’m going to bed now. Bye.

  105. Briinkx says:

    Game2Gamer, why don’t you just have random Giveaways in the forums like you used to? Do it without posting on Twitter so people will occasionally glance at the forums and see. =3

  106. Game 2 Gamer says:

    well that was a bummer it didnt work. lets see what else i can do

  107. _Smurff_ says:

    i’m assuming in the forums (not sure what software you use) that you can create a private section (log in required) to view, perhaps we should go that route to ensure proper etiquette of saying thank you

    • Game 2 Gamer says:

      we have that in the “Announcements” section

    • _Smurff_ says:

      oh in pbpBB u should have an option to make a private section/post

      atleast it used to be an option, like having a subsection for ‘verified’ members or something (like a mod-only forum, but for a specific type of usergroup) perhaps that could be a solution?

      • _Smurff_ says:

        okay, then perhaps we should use the announcements section, or something….your the one in charge though, so it’s upto you to determine how to giveaway your codes.

  108. liljrSanchez says:

    Why at first it required a password to enter?

  109. HOCKEYKID61 says:

    game2gamer do you have anymore annihilation codes?

  110. montow says:

    on behalf of all lurkers i’ll say i got the codes thanks!…. now i feel like terrorism won ><

  111. HOCKEYKID61 says:


  112. Dekester says:

    Well, I’m a slow lurker, so I’ve never won anything from this site, but hello regardless.

  113. Game 2 Gamer says:

    Name all your favorite Arnold Quotes!

  114. Jokerzwild says:

    its not a tumorrrrrr

  115. montow says:

    Oh I feel the baby, the baby!

  116. _Smurff_ says:


  117. Jokerzwild says:

    If it bleeds, we can kill it.

  118. Jokerzwild says:

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.

  119. Dekester says:

    Give the peohple aih!

  120. _Smurff_ says:

    “I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle”

  121. Jokerzwild says:

    Put that cookie down. Now!

  122. _Smurff_ says:

    the most used arnold phrase though, atleast in like everyone one of his movies (except maybe Kcop)

  123. CherryRasulka says:

    I can promise you that when I go to Sacramento, I will pump up Sacramento.
    He didn’t anything for California. but the best will be “No more complaining. No more Mr. Kimble, I have to go the bathroom. Nothing! There IS no bathroom!” From Kindergarten Cop

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